Bulletin Board 

The purpose of the New Mexico Film Office online bulletin board is to inform and educate without coercion and it is not to be used as an advertisement to “sell” a class or workshop. You may submit Casting Calls, Classes and Workshops, Crew Calls, Call for Entries, Employment & Volunteer, Screenings, Seminars & Meetings and General Announcements. The NMFO reserves the right to remove listings at any time.

Submission Form

IMPORTANT: All listings must adhere to city, county, state and federal laws. With the exception of the workshops and seminars sponsored by the New Mexico Film Office, we do not endorse or recommend any workshops, seminars, classes, crew or casting calls, or any other Bulletin Board items. We provide these listings as a public service, and neither the State of New Mexico nor the New Mexico Film Office warrants the legitimacy or repute of any of the companies or individuals contained in the Bulletin Board listings. Vendor services are not promoted on the Bulletin Board. If you are a vendor that provides services to the New Mexico Film industry, please list your information in our Vendor Directory.

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Production Company: Kapulski Student /Production
Director: Alan Kapulski
Producer: Alan Kapulski
Dates: Friday April 4th
Time: 1-6 pm
Location: Espanola NM

About: Seeking talent for Transfer Point, a dialogue-driven short film set on a city bus in Española, NM. The film explores identity, history, activism, and generational tensions as passengers engage in an impassioned debate about race, power, and community.

Information: Roles Available:
1.) Marta (Lead)
Character: A sharp-witted older Hispanic woman who doesn’t tolerate performative activism. Deeply rooted in Northern New Mexico’s history.
Gender: Female
Age: 60s-70s
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Character: A grounded and intelligent Black man with deep New Mexican roots. He challenges misconceptions about Black identity in rural spaces.
Gender: Male
Age: 30s
Ethnicity: Black
3.) Amy
Character: An idealistic white activist, eager to "decolonize" but blind to her own assumptions. Well-meaning but oversteps.
Gender: Female
Age: Late 20s - Early 40s
Ethnicity: White
Character: A quick-witted and observant Hispanic woman who has seen it all. Unafraid to call out nonsense.
Gender: Female
Age: Any
Ethnicity: Hispanic
5.) Clare (Voice Over Role)
Character: A calm but sharp Native American woman who calls out Amy’s performative activism via speakerphone.
Gender: Female
Age: 30s-50s
Ethnicity: Native American
6.) Los Alamos Lab Technician
Character: An oblivious lab worker whose mere presence shifts the mood of the bus.
Age:Late 20’s -early 40’s
Ethnicity: Any
Character: A poet who delivers a powerful spoken-word piece outside the bus, blending poetry with the rhythm of Española’s landscape.
Gender: Male
Age: 40 and up
Ethnicity: Mestizo

Contact Name: Alan Kapulski
Contact Email: adhocratetalent@gmail.com
Contact Phone: (505)487-2039


Production Company: Kapulski Student /Production
Director: Alan Gerard Kapulski
Producer: Alan Gerard Kapulski
Dates: Sunday March 30th
Time: 1-6 pm
Location: Espanola NM

About: Seeking talent for Liquitone Drift, a character-driven short film exploring tradition vs. change, community tensions, and the power of sound to reshape perceptions. The film takes place in a small village in Northern New Mexico, where a misunderstood tinkerer disrupts the status quo by building an unconventional musical instrument.

Information: Roles Available:
Character: A misunderstood non-binary or gender-fluid tinkerer who builds an unconventional musical instrument that challenges the community’s expectations.
Gender: Non-binary or gender-fluid
Age: 30s-40s
Ethnicity: Any
2.) Eleanor
Character: A rigid, tradition-focused elder who resents Rhea’s presence but is ultimately forced to listen.
Gender: Female
Age: 60s-70s
Ethnicity: Hispanic New Mexican
Character: A young Hispanic woman from Northern New Mexico who is outspoken, grounded, and unwilling to let disguised prejudice slide.
Gender: Female
Age: Late 20s - Mid 30s
Ethnicity: Hispanic
4.) James
Character: A laid-back observer watching tensions unfold from his porch.
Gender: Male
Age: 30s-40s
Ethnicity: Not ethnicity per se , but New Mexico with deep roots
5.) City Inspector
Character: A no-nonsense official who is mildly irritated by being dragged into local disputes.
Gender: Male
Age: 50s-60s
Ethnicity: Any
6.) Dismembered Hands (Fever Dream Sequence)
Character: Non-speaking surreal figures playing instruments in Rhea’s vision, representing sound as an entity beyond the physical.
Gender: Any
Age: Any
Ethnicity: Preferably Northern New Mexico Hispanic or Native
This is an ultra-low-budget, independent production for senior theses. If you need food and fuel.we can work it out , but should not expect monetary compensation.

Contact Name: Alan Gerard Kapulski
Contact Email: adhocratetalent@gmail.com
Phone/text: (505)487-2039

Contact Name: Alan Gerard Kapulski
Contact Email: adhocratetalent@gmail.com
Contact Phone: (505)487-2039

Production: BLEED - Short Film - 2025

Production Company: Independent
Dates: March 29th - 31st
Time: TBA
Location: Albuquerque

Producers: Daniel Pattison & Anna Lee
De Saulniers
Directors: Daniel Pattison & Anna Lee
Writer: Anna Lee DeSaulniers
Cinematographer: Rebecca Duran
Shoot Dates: March 29 - 31, 2025 (2-3 days tbd)
Rate of Pay: Meals provided
Location: Albuquerque, NM (Local hire only)

Information: ELENA
(she, late 20s/early 30s,
Elena is Talia's sister. She was a caring mom and good sister. When Talia would disappear into depression and substance abuse Elena is the one call she would answer. She finds out she is pregnant as a teen. She takes the moment she knows she's having a daughter quite intensely, both excited and devastated because she knows how difficult it is to be a woman in the world.

(he, late 20s/early 30s,
Estrella's biological father, Elena's baby daddy. A rough exterior with a hurt boy on the inside. He's had to raise himself and survive. He wants to be there for Estella but has no clue where to begin.

Kid Estrella/Elena
(3-6, brown hair & eyes)
The child version of 2 of the main characters.
Needed for 3 playful scenes.
(she, late 20s/early 30s, open ethnicity)
Carla is one of Talia and Elena's best friends.
They grew up getting into trouble together.
She's a dancer at a local strip club, she has a wild side but takes care of herself and is more responsible than Talia, constantly bailing her out of bad situations without judgement.

(he, 40's/50's, open ethnicity)
Sandra's Boyfriend. Is taking out his frustration at life on Sandra. He has gotten into the bad habit of escalating arguments with her. They are stuck in a toxic cycle.

(she/he/they) (open ethnicity)
Seasoned officer in the Albuquerque Police Department. Responding to a domestic violence call.
(she/he/they) (open ethnicity)
Professional but relatable. Has to resolve custody of Estrella with Tony and Talia after Elena passes away.

Subject line:
role you are submitting for - your name
(Example: “Carla -Lisa Rodgers”

Please include:
resume, headshot, recent snap shot & reel (if you have one).

Contact Name: Anna Lee
Contact Email: annadesaulniers@gmail.com
Contact Phone: 5059803884

Production: A Bridge

Production Company: Independent
Director: Palmer Anderson
Dates: Undecided
Time: tentatively mid-April
Location: Multiple - Northern New Mexico

About: Seeking talent for a short film, shot in the Santa Fe area as well as other parts of northern New Mexico. Roles include:
1.) Antonio:
Character: Sicilian-American mobster
Gender: Male
Age: 50s - Early 60s
2.) Deon:
Character: Small time criminal & drug dealer
Gender: Male
Age: mid 20s - mid 30s
3.) Gangster one & Gangster two (background)
Character: non-speaking roles, background
Gender: Male
Age: mid 30s - early 40s
4.) Jimmy
Character: Meek, skittish petty criminal
Gender: Male
Age: 30s
5.) Lucy's father
Character: physically imposing, abusive parental figure
Gender: Male
Age: mid 40s - mid 50s

Information: This is an ultra-low budget, independent production. Talent will be provided meals, but should no expect to be compensated monetarily. Please direct all audition inquiries or other questions to the email provided.

Contact Name: Palmer Anderson
Contact Email: a.bridge.film.prod@gmail.com
Contact Phone: (919) 723-8861

Production: Cowboy Junkies

Production Company: Beautiful Loser Productions
Director: Christian Sky Miller
Producer: Nata Aguilar
Dates: April
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico

About: COWBOY JUNKIES is a "Frybread Neo-Western" set on the Navajo Reservation. The film follows the story of three brothers as they navigate a war between a Navajo Gangster crime syndicate and the Local PD & FBI. These Navajo Gangsters enjoy being gangsters and doing less than moral things, however these gangsters have grown up with a heavy focus on rodeo and the cowboy way of life. Western elements are sprinkled into everything they do, how they live, and how they carry themselves. On the opposite end, the FBI has teamed up with the local Navajo Nation Police to bring a stop to this reign of terror. This film is where movies like "Sicario" meet "The Dollars Trilogy."

Information: We are currently casting for a Full-Length Feature TABLE READ (130 pages) and a short TEASER TRAILER (5 mins) production.

This is a Non-Union, Non-Paid, Indie Production

We are currently casting for the following roles:
- Woodrow Yazzie: Native American Man, Early 20’s
- Gilbert Yazzie: Native American Man, Mid 20’s
- Captain Ben Willard: Caucasian man, 30’s/40’s
- Henry Tachine: Native American Man, Late 20’s
- Special Agent Bill Carson: Caucasian Man, 40’s/50’s
- Special Agent John Kirby: Caucasian Man, 40’s/50’s
- Byron Charley: Native American Man, 20’s
- Domingo Shorty: Native American/Hispanic Man, 20’s
- FBI Agents: Caucasian Men/Women, 30’s
- Gangsters: Native American Men, 20’s/30’s

Contact Name: Christian Sky Miller
Contact Email: christianmiller3824@gmail.com
Contact Phone: (505) 879-6351

Production: Cowboy Junkies

Production Company: Beautiful Loser Productions
Director: Christian Sky Miller
Producer: Nata Aguilar
Dates: April
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Contact Name: Christian Miller
Contact Email: christianmiller3824@gmail.com
Contact Phone: 5058796351

Production: Echoes of Black Mesa

Production Company: 5Door Studios
Director: R.J. Torres

About: If interested please send in a self-tape, and/or headshots. If you have any questions or want to express interest in any of the roles or the film, send us an email.

Age Range 21- 55
Native American Male

Age Range 21-55
Native American Male

Age Range 18-30
Hispanic Male

Age Range 21-65
Any Ethnicity Male

Age Range 21 -65
Any Ethnicity Male

Age Range 18+
Any Gender or Ethnicity
Must show up in “old west” clothing

Contact Name: R.J. Torres
Contact Email: echoesofblackmesafilm@gmail.com
Contact Phone: 505-339-9908

Production: Skinwalker 1800's Western

Production Company: UNM Senior Project
Director: RJ Torres
Producer: RJ Torres

About: Hello! My name is RJ Torres. I am a Senior at the University of New Mexico. I am working on my senior capstone film. It is a short 10-minute western. I am looking for two male protagonists who can both ride horses. The main character who will have most of the dialogue is a Native American male who can ride a horse. Not picky about the age. The other is a Mexican male who can also ride a horse. Production will not start till early 2025... but if you are interested or know anyone who falls under these roles, please reach out to my email rtorres12@unm.edu. Thank you for taking the time to read my message.

Information: Email - rtorres12@unm.edu
RJ Torres

Contact Name: RJ Torres
Contact Email: rtorres12@unm.edu
Contact Phone: 5053399908

Production: Baby Churn

Production Company: Oily TrashMovies LLC
Director: Bradley Birch
Producer: Frida Mercury
Dates: Fall 2025
Location: Albuquerque

About: What if you could do it all over again, knowing what you know now? Welcome to the world of Baby Churn, where Rewind technology allows people to send their consciousness to the past. The only problem is: Things can never be exactly as they once were. Dr. Alvarez is one such individual who found out the hard way, and he has since dedicated his lives to genetic engineering, hoping that he may one day be reunited with his son again.

Information: We are looking for crew for Baby Churn, an upcoming science fiction short. We are looking for:

1) Cinematographer experienced with multi-camera or simulated-multi-camera shots for a talk show sequence and supporting shots.

2) Lighting technician/gaffer

3) Art director

4) Miscellaneous Crew - Do you have skill that would lend themselves to this production? Send us a resume!

Contact Name: Oily TrashMovies
Contact Email: oilytrashmovies@gmail.com
Contact Phone: 5052001910


Director: Jon Ryan McMahon
Producer: RC Masterson
Dates: ASAP, to finish before Fall 2025
Location: remote

NYU-film-grad-directed 2-camera DIY gonzo guerrilla doo-wop Nebraska skate punk quasi-musical melo-slapstick slouchcore vérité existential teen fever dream on HDV.

If you appreciate the spirit of Enter the Void/Julien Donkey-Boy/Tim & Eric/Sixteen Candles/Jerry Lewis/Robert Altman/Tsai Ming-Liang, you might be the one. But this is also not any of that.

The ideal candidate will have multi-cam video editing experience editing, an absurd humor, and a drive to create beyond the realm of conventional storytelling.

Please submit your reel/best clips + editing résumé, to trashcanvideobarn@gmail.com
Multi-cam/comedy/experimental examples would be especially useful.
This is a true DIY ultra-low-budget project, but a stipend will be paid.

Contact Name: RC Masterson
Contact Email: trashcanvideobarn@gmail.com
Contact Phone: 3025665599

Production: Sophisticated Intimacy

Director: Bridget Frances Harris
Producer: Ricki Romano/Bridget Frances Harris
Dates: November 19-21
Location: Santa Fe

About: ISO experienced 1st AC for indie short film. Stipend $250. Project produced through Sundance Labs.

Information: Please contact Bridget Frances Harris for more information. bridgetfharris@gmail.com

Contact Name: Bridget Frances Harris
Contact Email: bridgetfharris@gmail.com
Contact Phone: 7025730354

Production: Executive Director, SAG-AFTRA

Information: Executive Director, Colorado & New Mexico Locals

Who We Are

SAG-AFTRA is the iconic American labor union that represents approximately 160,000 media professionals. SAG-AFTRA employees support our members and thrive on securing the strongest protections by negotiating the best wages, working conditions, health and pension benefits. We preserve and expand members’ work opportunities, vigorously enforce our contracts and protect our members against unauthorized use of their work.

What You’ll Do

The Executive Director, Colorado & New Mexico Locals is the chief executive for the SAG-AFTRA Colorado Local and the SAG-AFTRA New Mexico Local. Under the direction of the Executive Director, Local Operations and the Locals’ Boards of Directors, this position oversees and manages all aspects of the SAG-AFTRA Colorado & New Mexico Local operations, including the policies and programs adopted by the Locals’ Boards of Directors in conjunction with SAG-AFTRA’s national strategies, policies and programs.

(This section provides a general summary of the most significant job duties performed. It does not explain in detail every single duty performed.)

Manage and oversee the administration, communications, budgeting, governance, organizing and member outreach, legislative advocacy, and general operations for the Colorado and New Mexico Locals.
Assist in administering and enforcing the Union’s collective bargaining agreements covering performers employed in television, commercials, feature and independent film, corporate/educational programs, interactive games, and other work that may be covered under SAG-AFTRA agreements.
Assist in national organizing campaigns and in the negotiations of collective bargaining agreements in concert with national initiatives and under the direction of senior staff.
Administer Local Board meetings. Provide clear and concise reporting to the Local Boards as well as the locals’ leadership. Ensure compliance with local and national constitutions, policies and adopted procedures.
Provide support and guidance to member leadership. Develop and carry out internal and external policies, procedures, programs and outreach efforts. Provide leadership training and other programming for member leaders, including work with local and national committees and liaisons. Serve as a liaison to all relevant local member committees.
Develop and maintain internal and external relationships. Work with all departments to further SAG-AFTRA’s strategic mission. Work with external stakeholders and industry partners within the Locals’ jurisdictions.
Work collaboratively with groups in support of various projects of the Locals Operations Department.
· Perform other duties as assigned or as the situation dictates.

What You’ll Need

We want to make sure you’re successful. To be considered, you must have:

(The individual must possess the following knowledge, skills and abilities and be able to explain and demonstrate that he or she can perform the essential functions of this job with or without reasonable accommodation, using some other combination of skills and abilities.)

Advanced level of management experience and demonstrated leadership skills.
Understanding of negotiations and collective bargaining. Able to mediate disputes and negotiate with tact and diplomacy.
Exceptional communication skills in English, both oral and written; consultative skills to gain the respect and trust from staff and leadership alike in building impactful solutions.
Expert interpersonal skills: high degree of patience and tact, and must be able to cultivate relationships with people from diverse backgrounds and with varied skill sets, both internally and externally.
Able to use sound judgment, discretion, and maintain confidentiality on sensitive matters.
Able to organize, prioritize and coordinate multiple assignments and projects; able to thrive in a highly dynamic work environment; able to develop creative solutions.
Have the self-confidence to take an unpopular position, if appropriate, as well as the judgment to know when to back away from an issue and support a consensus perspective.
Proficient in PC applications and Internet-based systems. Working knowledge of publications and social media.
Must be available and willing to work extended hours per day or per week, including weekends and holidays, as SAG-AFTRA determines is necessary to meet its business needs. Must be willing to travel as necessary for SAG-AFTRA to meet its business needs.


Education and/or Experience:

Undergraduate degree in relevant field from an accredited college/university and five years applicable experience; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.
Knowledge of entertainment and/or news and broadcast industry, as well as issues affecting creative artists.
Experience in labor negotiations, collective bargaining, labor organizations, or non-profit administration.
A minimum five years management/supervisory level experience.
Must have an automobile, current driver’s license and current automobile insurance that meets the state minimum requirements.


Experience in union organizing a plus.
Juris Doctor or advanced degree in labor relations a plus.

What You’ll Get

We are a great place to work because we offer:

Colleagues that are passionate about what we do and how they contribute to our mission
Salary of $120,000.00 annually
Balance between work and home life responsibilities
Affordable and comprehensive medical and dental plans
Generous pension plan
Employee discounts and perks

Please apply at: https://careers-sagaftra.icims.com/jobs/2335/executive-director%2c-colorado-%26-new-mexico-locals/job?mode=view&mobile=false&width=791&height=500&bga=true&needsRedirect=false&jan1offset=-300&jun1offset=-240

Contact Name: Carolina Gutierrez
Contact Email: carolina.gutierrez@sagaftra.org
Contact Phone: 3322706151

Job or Volunteer Opportunity submitted by Andrea Vestrand

Information: Production: The Blue 9Tails
Production Company: AbnorMALVerseENT.com
Director: Marc'Anthony Liu
Dates: TBD April/May 2025
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico

About: Seeking Talent, Executive Producers (Funding), and Some Crew Roles for a short film.
Genre: A Kung Fu Thriller with a touch of Slasher
Length: 10 mins
Shoot: 6 days

Roles include:
1. Black Mamba:
Character: Supervillian Crime Lord
Gender: Male
Build: Large Athletic / Body Builder Type
Age/Race: Open
Reference: Kingpin Marvel

2. Georgiy
Character: Russian Mobster Type
Gender: Male
Build: Slender to Medium
Age/Race: Caucasian, late 20s - late 30s

Note that this is a no-budget/low-budget project. Pay is not to be expected. Food & Reel content will be provided.

Execuitive Producers:
Looking for some Executive Producers able to fulfill funding requirements up to $10K. IMDb Credit, ROI, and Back End Points will be distributed should this teaser film lead to feature funding.

Sound Mixer w/ gear.

Other crew positions will be filled as needed once dates are locked. We have most of these already, as this is low budget (low/no pay), so we are using people we already know. Feel free to send your resume for future reference for any crew positions. Students are welcome to submit.

Food, IMDb credit, and letters of recommendation are what we can offer in return for your volunteering.

Contact Name: Andrea Vestrand
Contact Email: vestrand@me.com
Contact Phone: 505.633.8188

Contact Name: Andrea Vestrand
Contact Email: vestrand@me.com
Contact Phone: 3109535081

Production: Actors Workout Night

Dates: Thursdays beginning April 3rd
Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Location: Albuquerque

Information: Come join us for a FREE weekly, in-person Actors Workout Night! Each week we work on different "actor toolbox skills" as we perform on-camera cold-reads. Have an audition or monologue you're working on? Get feedback from fellow actors. All levels of actors or interested persons welcome. 18+. This is an opportunity to work with actors, receive feedback, and learn by watching others. Email livecrewproductionsNM@gmail.com for more information or visit Instagram.com/LiveCrewProductionsNM for updated schedule. Thursdays at 6:30pm-8:30pm in Downtown Albuquerque. Address provided with confirmation of attendance.

Contact Name: Joe Gallegos
Contact Email: livecrewproductionsNM@gmail.com
Contact Phone: 323.543.5634

Production: Acting Class

Dates: April 2 - May2
Time: 6:30 pm- 9pm
Location: Unit B Santa Fe

Information: Click on this link to read about this exciting Acting Class, taught by Eb Lottimer, starting in April. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YH4XIP2pH_bxIEp6tFHBCxKfNkQwSmCn/view?usp=sharing

Contact Name: Eb Lottimer
Contact Email: elottimer@gmail.com
Contact Phone: 505-310-0871

Class, Workshop or Training submitted by Carey Rose O'Connell

Dates: Ongoing
Location: Online

Information: In today's ever-changing entertainment industry, it's more important than ever to have the skills and knowledge to stand out from the crowd. With uncertainty comes opportunity, and now is the perfect time to invest in yourself and develop the expertise needed to bring your projects to life.

The Incubator at AFMI Productions is proud to offer our Learn & Work Sessions within the Producer Training Program. This program is designed to equip aspiring producers with the essential tools and knowledge to secure financing and distribution for their films.

Easy-to-attend Zoom sessions allow attendance across the state. Affordable registration with scholarships available! Learn more and sign up by visiting us at https://abqfmi.com/producer-training-program

Contact Name: Carey Rose O'Connell
Contact Email: cr@abqfmi.com
Contact Phone: (505) 814-3726

Class, Workshop or Training submitted by Sheryl Roberts

Dates: Ongoing
Time: Afternoons and Evenings
Location: Santa Fe

Private One-On-One Instruction with Los Angeles Casting Director, Sheryl Roberts. Learn acting techniques including script analysis and auditioning. Voice Over lessons are also available. WEEKLY SESSIONS. CALL 505-204-4708 FOR INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION.

Contact Name: Sheryl Roberts
Contact Email: castfastsherylroberts@msn.com
Contact Phone: 505-570-0203

Class, Workshop or Training submitted by Sheryl Roberts

Dates: Ongoing
Time: Afternoons and Evenings
Location: Santa Fe

Private One-On-One Instruction with Los Angeles sting Director, Sheryl Roberts. Learn acting techniques including script analysis and auditioning. Voice Over lessons are also available. WEEKLY SESSIONS. CALL 505-204-4708 FOR INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION.

Contact Name: Sheryl Roberts
Contact Email: castfastsherylroberts@msn.com
Contact Phone: 505-570-0203

Class, Workshop or Training submitted by Sheryl Roberts

Dates: ongoing
Time: afternoons and evenings
Location: Santa Fe

Information: If you have ever been told that you have a great speaking voice, this workshop is for you. The art of voice overs will teach you all you need to become a voice over artist! This course is concise and complete, and concludes with you in the studio recording your submission demo. The recording studio makes a difference and we use the main one that does most of the casting in New Mexico. This is a fun class taught by a professional in the industry with 30 + years experience. Come and learn the right way to become successful in this competitive business.. Call 505-570-0203 for more information.

Contact Name: Sheryl Roberts
Contact Email: castfastsherylroberts@msn.com
Contact Phone: 505-570-0203