Film Crew Advancement Program (FCAP)

FCAP application must be submitted 30 calendar days prior to commencement of any FCAP eligible training. The FCAP grant agreement can be amended within the 1st week of filming. Training dates begin when the FCAP grant agreement is fully executed and will not include dates prior to the contract date. FCAP process must be completed via the Salesforce portal.

This on-the-job training focuses on NM residents, working primarily in technical positions.  FCAP provides an incentive for participating companies to create job opportunities for New Mexico residents to advance their careers.  All FCAP participants must have a mentor. The FCAP program provides a 50% reimbursement of the qualifying participants’ wages for up to 1040 hours physically worked by the crew member.  Companies are approved by the Chair of the JTIP Board. For example a NM Grip who is ready to move up to the Best Boy position would qualify. The Key Grip would be that crew member’s mentor.  

Is my project eligible for FCAP?


    FCAP Portal Access (if you have already created a portal registration for your current project)

    FCAP Guidelines

    Phase II: FCAP Trainee Application / FCAP OSS Trainee Application (for NM veterans)

    FCAP Approved Job Titles

    Phase III: Estimated FCAP reimbursement calculation


      Click here to complete and submit this requirement.  

      Phase I: FCAP company application must be completed at least 30 days before principal photography begins. FCAP company must have a fully executed FCAP grant agreement before principal photography begins. 

      Phase II: Must be completed must be completed within the 1st week of principal photography.  Submission of FCAP trainee applications resumes, copy of deal memos, and NM driver's licenses attached to the portal. A preliminary crew list and call sheet showing FCAP trainees and mentors are required (production will need to highlight trainees in yellow and mentors in another color).

      Phase III: Completed after wrap.  Submission of the final crew list and call sheet showing FCAP trainees and mentors is required (production will need to highlight trainees in yellow and mentors in another color). A PDF of the detailed earnings reports is requested. 

      Helpful notes:
      -The FCAP portal works best with Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. If the “user” has created an account with another project – we recommend that the “user” create a new account with a new email address (i.e. create a production email).
      -FCAP trainees must work a minimum of 80 hours. 

      -1040 hours is the max allowed.
      -Hours may be updated if the FCAP trainee has “open” hours from another production.
      -Only hours physically worked will be approved (i.e. standard time, over time, 6th day, etc.).
      -Hourly wage must be consistent.
      -Benefits, kit rentals, etc. are not allowed.
      -If you are not receiving FCAP emails from NMFO or Salesforce, please check your SPAM or JUNK folders.  You will need to permit/allow the emails from 

          Click here for FCAP questions. Development Employment Funding for Film and Multimedia production companies 5.5.51 NMAC and 5.5.52 NMAC.