Ideum: Interactive Skyline Explorer

Production Announcement

Printable Announcement (PDF)

New Mexico Film Office Announces Interactive Digital Media Production for Skyline Exploring Experience

Santa Fe, NM - New Mexico State Film Office Director Amber Dodson announced today that the production of Interactive Skyline Explorer, an interactive digital media experience showcasing exploration of key landmarks, will be created in Corrales.

Produced by Robert Demsey, The Interactive Skyline Explorer will be designed to enhance visitor experiences at an iconic West Coast observation tower. The interactive media will offer visitors an engaging exploration of key landmarks visible from the observation deck.

Users can effortlessly navigate a semi-live camera stream along with detailed information about each point of interest. The Skyline Explorer blends technology,

education, and panoramic views, creating a memorable journey.

The creation of the exhibit will employ approximately six New Mexico crew members.

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Year: 2024

Project Type: Digital & Interactive Media

Status: In Production

Producer: Robert Demsey

  • Corrales